Our team

Paula, well known for her bubbly personality, is the owner of Style Cafe Hair Design. Paula trained under Carlton Hair and has advanced her skills over the 33 years that she has been styling. Paula started her salon in Sunninghill just over eleven years ago and has grown her business to one that caters for all with her talented team and the wide variety of services available.

Risna has been doing hairdressing for over 8 years and also did her trade when she finished her apprenticeship.
It all started in school, when she was doing her friends hair before class and loved doing it. Everything about the different styles excited her and this was when she knew she could do this as a profession but feel like she’s having fun every single day.
She studied for 3 years at Pasqale Hairdressing Academy and worked there part time. She has won many in-salon awards and has taken part in many inter coiffure competitions.She couldn’t choose only one part of her profession that she loves more than another.
”Everything about making people feel good, whether it be colour or just a simple trim makes me happy. It is a great thing when a passion and a career ”
She makes sure to always keep her knowledge up to date by attending training frequently.

Our talented team of operators are all skilled in colour application, treatment methods, Kerastase rituals and scalp massage. They will make your experience comfortable and most pleasant.
